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Yamashita Condor Head

7,50  IVA Inc

Yamashita Condor Head

COD: Yamashita-Condor-Head Categorie: , Tag:
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Yamashita Condor Head

The condor head works best when using the dart slider 75 and 90 mm for added weight and action. This is a really awesome set-up for us when we are jigging tuna around a floater or fad. A great presentation is to attach a length of leader to a spreader bar. The japanese style is to use one of the new vertical deep jigging lures such as the maria japan saberer, or metal flicker to provide the needed weight (and extra flash) for the spreader bar set-up

Testine piombate con ancoretta owner st-46, ideale per montare le mini esche della maria ma 2 worm eco. 

Conf. 2 testine


Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 100 g

14g, 18g, 21g, 25g


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